A couple of weeks back MHADegree.org produced a list of the Top 50 Most Social Media Friendly Hospitals for 2013. It is ...
Continue ReadingIf you have not already you will receive a negative comment on Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, etc. This is also a stumbling bl...
Continue ReadingA little over a week ago I wrote a post asking for organizations who were interested in letting me analyze their faceboo...
Continue ReadingIn my day to day life I spend a lot of (most of) my time around technology. I am writing this blog on a technology platf...
Continue ReadingLast week I had the opportunity to attend and speak (you can grab my sides here) at the Texas Hospital Association̵...
Continue ReadingNext week I will be in Rochester, Minn. participating, speaking, teaching, and learning at a week long social media summ...
Continue ReadingTendency now is to spend all your time with your social contacts. Any why wouldn't you? They are already online re-...
Continue ReadingSo much time is spent on Facebook, and for good reason. I hate to recommend any platforms without seeing a strategy firs...
Continue ReadingYou don’t… A problem I am seeing from hospitals is their need for physician involvement, and the way they ar...
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