Tendency now is to spend all your time with your social contacts. Any why wouldn't you? They are already online re-tweeting, liking, circling you… But whatever happened to those folks who signed up for your eNewsletter? Remember them? They were the ones online who filled out an form on your website back in 2005.
It is time to come full circle and make sure you don't forget them. They probably offered up quite a bit of info at one point in time like address, phone number, what topics they were interested in, maybe even age. Do you know any of this about your thousands of Twitter followers?
The more info you have on a contact the more likely you will be able to connect them to actual contribution margin. Did someone say ROI?
Go back and connect with this group. If nothing else it might help grow your social presence. Moreover you may be surprised how many of them are advocates, and in the word of mouth world isn't that what we are looking for?
What are you currently doing with your eNews efforts?
– Reed
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