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SXSW :: Let the Voting Begin


It is time for your voice to be heard! Many of you spent a great deal of time thinking, planning, and proposing your idea for a talk, panel, or presentation for SXSW Interactive “12. Well now it is time to promote your entry and vote on others of interest.

Here is what you need to do to view and vote on proposed presentations:

  1. Visit the PanelPicker and create an account (if you don”t already have one)
  2. Check out all the proposed sessions for the interactive festival (Use the filters to search Health)
  3. Make your voice heard by voting on each panel you would like to see in “12

If you have a presentation on this list start promoting… Each entry has a “Link to this Page” in the top right of the entry”s detail page. Take this link and share any and everywhere you can.

This will be a great year for health at the interactive festival. There are 96 health/future of medicine entries that have made it this far in the process. This ranks health above categories like journalism, education, gaming, and government.

We should be excited about the visibility of health and where it has evolved in a few short years. So make your voice heard. Start voting and promoting! Voting ends 11:59 CDT on Friday, September 2.

Q: What is your favorite presentation so far? Health or not…

– Reed


P.S. – Did you miss the deadline? Think you have the best idea for a presentation? There is a slim chance you can still have your idea considered. Email: for more information.

Author Info

Reed Smith