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What Are You Doing to Engage Employees?

How is your organization engaging and energizing employees around your brand message? As hospitals it is importnat to...

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Visual Blogging – 3 ways to make your blog posts more engaging

The old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, is more true today than ever. Visual content is dominating the soci...

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Social Media… Operations?

Below is an excerpt from “Social Media… Operations?” – my contribution to Bringing the Social Me...

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5 for Friday – Links that Matter

Five Links for your Friday – Reed Number 1 42 Percent of Consumers Complaining in Social Media Expect 60 Minute Re...

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Blogging: Why Frequency Matters

Over the past couple of months I have decided to up my blogging frequency from a couple of times a month to three time...

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What is Content and Who Creates it Well?

When talking with clinical staff about blogging or creating content for the first time I run into hesitation more times ...

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How to Make Your Physicians Blog

You don’t… A problem I am seeing from hospitals is their need for physician involvement, and the way they ar...

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If You Build “It” They Will Come…

How often, when addressing audience building, do you hear:   “If you build it they will come” In a rece...

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My Thoughts for Hospitals on Google’s ‘May Day’

I have been reading a bit about Google’s latest update to their search algorithm. Google constantly changes the wa...

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