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Blogging: Why Frequency Matters

Over the past couple of months I have decided to up my blogging frequency from a couple of times a month to three times a week. This has been a real commitment on a couple of levels including time and simply the effort to cultivate topics. If you want to read a bit more on how I capture ideas to cultivate you can read my post on that here.

So I started to think about the effort versus payoff… is the frequency really paying off? I went back and looked at my blog”s analytics and this is what I found:

June 1 – July 31 (versus the two months prior)

  • Visits increased 123.85%
  • Unique Visitors increased 112.01%
  • Pageviews increased 133.07%
  • Avg Visit Duration increased 103.43%

After seeing the visual impact my new frequency has made I had a couple of observations:

  1. For the first two weeks even though my frequency had changed my traffic did not. So it takes a bit to see an up swing.
  2. An audience will get to know your frequency and respond.
  3. Once you create content you need a method to make sure you are promoting your new content when your audience is there to receive it. To read more on how I do this you can check out this post.

Question: What is your content creation frequency and why?

[to learn more about Reed”s new project, the Social Health Institute, connect here]

Author Info

Reed Smith

3 Responses

  1. Hi Reed: I have found this to really be true — but in the opposite way. I was blogging 3X a week until last fall and now we’re averaging just one blog a week. The result is lower traffic. I’ve got to follow your example and kick it up a notch. Thanks for the insight. — Dan Hinmon

    • Reed Smith says:

      Thanks for the comments! I think more than anything it is picking a frequency and sticking with it for a prolonged period of time. Time will tell if I can keep up this pace!

  2. […] a frequency and stick with it. Your readers will start to expect your content on the frequency you set forth. […]