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hospital marketing

The Bottom of the Funnel… Then What?

We tend to focus (in marketing) on the bottom of the funnel. Drive results, prove ROI, measure actionable contacts, etc&...

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Are We Making it Too Hard?

Are we making it too hard? Are we overthinking things? I look at where we are, where we have been, and the horizon which...

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How Advocates Play Important Roles in Your Campaigns

Every hospital we work with runs campaigns throughout the year – ER, Women’s Health, Orthopedics, Cardiovasc...

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Know Your Audience: 3 Things to Remember When Networking

Yesterday I received this comment though the contact page on my blog: Message Body: Hi! I just visited your website and ...

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Specialization and 2 Reasons I Only Work With Hospitals

I am not talking about retail… there are many cases of “shop here and find it all.” I am talking about...

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Is it Possible To Be Too Social?

I have been thinking a lot about frequency lately. Is it possible to be too social? Post too often? What is you frequenc...

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What is Content and Who Creates it Well?

When talking with clinical staff about blogging or creating content for the first time I run into hesitation more times ...

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Do something new Monday

Monday morning it will be very easy to pickup where you left off Friday at 5pm. Fight the urge to just go down the list ...

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