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Who are the Storytellers: Download the eBook

Personal stories connect us to each other and to brands. Hospitals and hospital marketing teams are unique groups to tel...

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Why I made my 6 yr old sign a social media policy

I talk a lot about hospitals, brands, organizations, etc but historically have not talked much about the personal side o...

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Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award – How Social Media is Evolving

It’s 2009… heck 2012… someone says social media and healthcare – what do you think? Here is what...

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Stop What You Are Doing and Become a Teacher

If you do nothing else in 2014 please start teaching…. your job could depend on it. I was on Facebook this weekend...

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It’s 2014 and all I have to show for it is this Facebook Page

What do you think of when someone says “social media strategy?” Do you have one? Are you being held accounta...

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If the NFL can do it, so can Hospitals.

The Dolphins have been in the news as of late for all the wrong reasons, but because of that I remembered reading an art...

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How Advocates Play Important Roles in Your Campaigns

Every hospital we work with runs campaigns throughout the year – ER, Women’s Health, Orthopedics, Cardiovasc...

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Has Social Media Changed the Way You Make Decisions?

How has social media impacted your day to day life? As each day passes we become more and more connected, wired, accessi...

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[Infographic] Hospitals + Facebook: a Study of 13 Hospital Systems

I am extremely excited to release this today. As the first project of the Social Health Institute, I have spent the last...

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