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Digital rounding technology should not compromise the fundamentals of rounding

Interesting tease article here from Ragan’s Health Care Communication News, and article begins to scratch the surface ...

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When was the last time you Penned (not Pinned)?

Have we lost what we once had? I was raised by my parents who made (in a lot of cases) me write thank you notes to every...

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Are We Making it Too Hard?

Are we making it too hard? Are we overthinking things? I look at where we are, where we have been, and the horizon which...

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If the NFL can do it, so can Hospitals.

The Dolphins have been in the news as of late for all the wrong reasons, but because of that I remembered reading an art...

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Know Your Audience: 3 Things to Remember When Networking

Yesterday I received this comment though the contact page on my blog: Message Body: Hi! I just visited your website and ...

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Conversation vs Definition

What is the point of a website? Most take the assumption they are there to answer questions… I would argue we need...

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Clemson Mini MBA for Healthcare Professionals

At the end of the month I am lucky enough to have been invited to teach at Clemson University for a newly launched Mi...

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How to Respond to Negative Comments

If you have not already you will receive a negative comment on Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, etc. This is also a stumbling bl...

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Is Being on Facebook a Permanent Opt-In?

The world in which we live in has changed drastically. Based on our current use of Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Foursquare, ...

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