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When was the last time you Penned (not Pinned)?

Have we lost what we once had? I was raised by my parents who made (in a lot of cases) me write thank you notes to every...

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Can Facebook Save Us From Ebola?

1.8 billion – that is the number of people on Facebook globally. Every day, at least once, half of those 1.8 billion l...

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Reed Smith Achieves Social Media Platinum Status

What do Katy Perry, Elvis Presley and Reed Smith have in common? They have all gone Platinum. Although I appreciate Reed...

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5 Easy Ways to Identify Great Storytellers

I love this quote by Jessica Baris. I think it fully describes the unique traits of a storyteller. These people are all ...

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5 Interview Questions Guaranteed to Get Your Subject Talking

The interview is one the most hidden opportunities to truly tell a story. The art of the interview allows one to tell a ...

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Who are the Storytellers: Download the eBook

Personal stories connect us to each other and to brands. Hospitals and hospital marketing teams are unique groups to tel...

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3 Qualities of a Good Storyteller

It is hard to say what are the best qualities of storyteller, but from my experience…here are the first three that com...

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I turned off my phone for a week. You will never guess what happened next…

(Sorry… I could not resist the title… Seems to work for everyone else right?!) So, my family and I had one l...

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The Bottom of the Funnel… Then What?

We tend to focus (in marketing) on the bottom of the funnel. Drive results, prove ROI, measure actionable contacts, etc&...

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