One of the main reasons I made the move to WordPress is for the robustness of Standard Theme. I had seen it used in a number of high end applications and though it was a great place to start. I have since used it on my blog as well as client applications like
I just upgraded to the recently released Standard 3. In the short time I have had it up running I am very impressed. I use the theme as is with very little customization. My personal brand is a very minimal feel and this theme/digital toolkit does the trick out of the bag.
If you are looking, not only for a theme but a digital publish toolkit, look no further. Be sure to check out the discount offer at the bottom of this post, but first why is this so great?
[via 8BIT] Top features include:
- Mobile Theme Ready – They chose Twitter Bootstrap for the underlying UI framework on which Standard 3 is built upon. This means that Standard 3 will detect mobile devices – both phones and tablets – and display your website / blog in a mobile optimized view.
- Child Theme Ready – Standard now fully supports child themes. Child themes can be created that are built on top of Standard so that when we update Standard, changes are not overwritten.
- Activity Tabs – The Activity Tabs widget is a brand new widget designed and developed for Standard 3. It will allow you to display your most recent posts, most commented posts, most recent comments, and most used tags. This will display as a tabbed widget with whatever configuration / combination you desire.
- Influence Widget – They have completely re-written the Follower Count widget, rebranded it the Influence Widget, and have introduced the ability to incorporate your Facebook fan page in addittion to your RSS subscribers and Twitter follower count. They have also built in native caching and the strongest failsafe mechanisms, so influence counts / numbers will no longer unpredictably crash to zero when a third party API fails.
- Automattic Code Review – The code that is running on was vetted, critiqued, and approved by Automattic. It follows WordPress' best practices and the WordPress coding conventions. This version of the code laid the foundation for Standard 3.
- Search Engine Friendly – Preview how your post will look in Google live as you create the post! Standard has self-educating SEO features for beginners. Also, they hired SEO consultant Joost de Valk to review the theme and they implemented almost every one of his suggestions. This results in the greatest amount of SEO possible without using additional plugins.
- Social Icons – Rather than having to request certain social icons to be included with Standard, or modify files to create your own, they have included a Social Icon Manager that allows you to upload your own icons, set URL's, sort / reorder, and delete.
- Advertisements – They have moved all advertisements into widgets that can be dropped in any of our six widgetized areas. All advertisements are managed from within the widget themselves – images are uploaded and linked using the WordPress Media Uploader. Ads can be placed in the header, sidebar, between the post content and comments, or in three footer widget columns.
You'll also find:
- It's WordPress 3.4 Ready
- Has full WordPress API Integration
- Improved Author Profile Management
- Tighter Integration with Documentation
- Policy Templates
Demo Standard 3 and learn more at
OFFER: Used the offer code STANDARD3 from now though July 6th and receive 15% off as part of their launch sale! Go now.
[affiliate links included in this post]order essay
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awesome man! thanks so much!
Of course. I love the product.
[…] Standard 3 – A Must Have Digital Publishing Toolkit | iamreedsmith […]