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Prescriptions and what It has to do with Social Media


If you are prescribed medication by a trusted physician who tells you, if you follow the prescribed plan, what the expected outcome is – do you follow doctors orders? 

Most I am guessing would answer yes… Why answer yes?

You probably answer yes based on previous outcomes. Take a routine condition like a run of the mill headache. If you get a headache, then you probably take a couple of over the counter pain relievers in which case, 9 times out of 10, solves the problem. You are taking the medication because of personal previous outcomes.

This then moves to outcomes shown by others. If you have a first time illness then you probably look to see what others have been successful with. This information comes from your physician, friends, or even an online community. Great news the internet is only getting bigger so the ability to connect with other like you is becoming increasingly easier.

So with this said how is it will all the examples of how hospitals (and even non-hospital corporations) have used and dealt with social media and it’s surrounding issues do we still have the same battles to face? We have the prescription and are choosing not to use it or believe it will work for us. We work in medicine but choose not to follow the same evidence based outcome principles?

I think part of the issue is trust and formal recognition of what works and what does not. That is why I am happy to formally be part of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. I am very excited to have been asked to take a role on their initial external advisory board. Be sure to check out the others (full of smart folks!) involved. Thanks again to Lee Aase for the invite!

I hope in the end we can help create ideas that will become prescriptive with known outcomes. This way we can all benefit.

– Reed

[photo: HA! Designs – Artbyheather]

Author Info

Reed Smith