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SXSW Interactive 2012 Health Track – Interested in Presenting?


[UPDATED: Today is the Day! Click here to submit your idea]

It is already that time again! 2011 marked the first year South by Southwest Interactive incorporated an organized health track. A great time was had by all as seen by the number of panels submitted, talks given, attendees, tweets, blog posts, parties, networking, etc…

In preparation of 2012 it is time to start thinking about what you have to share… The PanelPicker process will open Monday, June 20th and close on Friday, July 15th.

According to SXSW:

“Submitting your proposal for a solo presentation or panel to the PanelPicker is the best way to ensure your expertise is included as part of the 2012 SXSW Interactive Festival (scheduled March 9-13 in Austin). As always, the more creative / innovative / exciting / original your idea is, the better the chance it will be accepted as part of next year’s event.”

Also, stay tuned to the SXSW Interactive website at for PanelPicker updates.

I talked with, Interactive Director, Hugh Forrest and he commented:

“Encourage your friends / associates, etc to send in medical-related proposals to the PanelPicker. We got a ton of medical-related proposals last year. Hoping we can get a ton and a half this year. So, the more you can push this process via your traditional and social media channels, the better.”

I am vey encouraged about the direction of the health track and so grateful to Dana Lewis, Tom Stitt, and Shwen Gwee for helping start the un-conference in 2010 that laid the ground work for this opportunity for all of us.

You planning to submit a talk/panel? Regardless please help get the word out!

– Reed

Author Info

Reed Smith