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5 Ways to Identify a Great Content Creator


zemanta via flickr

No matter your organization”s growth strategies, you will end up needing content. You can not simply advertise, you have to allow your experts to share their knowledge with people they do not come in contact with in person. In hospitals everyone wants to hear from your clinical experts, not your marketing department, so how do you make this reality?

The most important component is of course identifying a content creator. Below are five ways to identify who in your organization would make a great content creator:

  1. Who deals with patients/customers on a regular basis? In a hospital think, first, of those in an outpatient environment. These experts deal with patients but can also dispense content that is relevant to someone”s everyday life. In addition these are also the staff who answer questions from patients and family members. They are already creating content daily just no one is capturing it. Questions = Content
  2. Who has served in different capacities across the organization? Think about those who have be around the organization for some years. Maybe they have served in many different roles, or maybe they worked their way up in the organization. Time = Stories = Content
  3. Who has the right life experience? Who in your organization is an athlete? Who has kids who play sports? I recently worked on content creation with a physical therapist who runs marathons, is training for a triathlon, has two high school kids who play sports, and she previously worked with special needs children. Someone like this has a number of angles to create content relevant to many different audiences. People like to connect with those that have a similar background as themselves. Experience = Trust
  4. Who is doing it already? Last time your hospital was part of the community parade or a few months back during nurses week who was snapping pictures with their iPhone? Who was asking all their friends to huddle up for a picture? Find someone who already wants to do it. Desire = Consistency
  5. Who is credibile? Who in your organization do people want to hear from? What clinical provider does the community already send thank you notes to? Who is mentioned in reviews on Yelp, Facebook, and other social mediums? Credibility = Value

Question: How do you find content creators in your organization?

Author Info

Reed Smith